Millenials Kill, chapter 16

Okay, time to make your last guesses on who’s the blonde guy that was murdered in the last cliffhanger, because the answer is only a few scrolls away.

This is now a christian gay comic

Isn’t it wonderful to see the two Hurder brothers getting together despite their very different career choices?

Enough of the plot, let me tell you a bit about the background for the comic yet again. As you can see the comic is filled with religious themes from satanism to christianity. Back when I was young I lived in a very tiny town, a town quite similar in size to Breamburg… also similar to map and architecture, but that’s besides the point. Because the town was small there was basically nothing to do for teenagers if they weren’t into drinking and collecting STDs. I’m sure in a bigger city I would have been a geeky kid with geeky hobbies, but in the small town I was one of the christian kids. I volunteered in the church, organized a lot of events for it, and even worked there for summers. After I moved out I went to study to become a church youth councellor, but I’m happy to say I found homosexuality and converted to art. The religious undertones are still present in my life though. I know the view I have of the world is colored by the experiences I had as a teenager. I’m lucky not to have religious trauma, as my parents were atheists. Nobody was pushing religion to me, I just chose it because I didn’t have much choices. I’m still a huge fan of Jesus, though I have to say, the fandom has ruined the OG Jesus with their shitty white!Jesus headcanons.

Nigel Hurder’s theme song: