Millenials Kill, chapter 15

Welcome to the most epic chapter so far. Super big thank you to my friends Jesse Ghost and Pii Anttonen for helping me out with the chapter. You have truly helped me make a curling anime that can turn Millenials Kill into the multimedia webcomic adventure it’s trying really hard to be!

I hope you watched the curling anime trailer with the sound on, because if you didn’t, you missed some of the best parts of it! It really pays off to have creative and talented friends. Jesse Ghost is an animation student and Pii Anttonen is a professional in music studio work. All I had to do was to voice act Satan’s laugh and well, of course come up with the concept.

Making of Curling Anime:

So I made the concept, but the concept wasn’t really that well thought out. Here’s what I sent to Jesse when he started working on the trailer:

The Finnish texts you see on the plan describe the audio for each part. Me and Jesse did an initial version for the audio and then played that to Pii. She then did her own version of the audio and it was 100 times better than what a comics artist (me) and an animator (Jesse) were able to produce. With the animation I especially love what Jesse did with the earth shattering. It looks absolutely amazing and I would never have been able to make something that cool alone. I can do a bit of animation but my sense of timing isn’t as good as Jesse’s.

Now I wish this anime actually existed. Or the manga!

Another nice little bit of information about this chapter. The place where the Anime Gala is held is an actual conference center from Turku. I drew this chapter about 1½ years ago when I first moved to Turku and I wanted to put a small piece of my new hometown into the comic. I’ve now lived in Turku for quite some time and drawn even more of Millenials Kill. I have just been finishing drawing the chapter 31 and I just posted the chapter 25 for the people on my Patreon. So if you’re into this comic, I post once a month and that means people on Patreon are reading stuff you’ll be able to read in 10 months from now. You could be one of them for only $6/month.

No theme songs for any characters this time. You already got one video this month! Don’t get greedy!