Comics No Buy Year -comics

No Buy Year 2022, part 4

June was quite a boring month, sorry about that. The most interesting part of it happened inside my head while I was sleeping, which makes that quite uninteresting. (The moment someone says “I had such a weird dream…” I get so bored I fall asleep instantly. Rambling incoherent explanations of dreams aren’t interesting!!)

I did do a lot of crafts and I mended a lot of pants. I actually managed to fix 4 pairs of pants in June! On top of that I also made two pairs of fashionable pants! Not entirely from skratch though, I had some pants that were way too small for me, so I deconstructed them and made something new out of them! I might want to make a blog post about those too at some point. (I have to say, I do love having my very own blog where I can post whatever I want and write as much as I want with no fear of censorship or character limit!)

So let’s get into the comic already!

But before that I must say this: Are you Interested in reading all of the No Buy Year posts? Go to my No Buy Year -tag! Or start from the first post to read them all in the rightful order.

H-P Lehkonen presents, no buy comic of June:

H-P Lehkonen no buy comic
H-P Lehkonen no buy comic
H-P Lehkonen no buy comic
H-P Lehkonen no buy comic

Can you see how much I’m sweating in every panel? June was very hot here in Finland. We also happen to live in top floor of our apartment building and that makes our home even hotter. Finnish houses are built to keep the heat in, not out! Winters are great in these apartments, but the summers suck. July has started off way cooler even if there’s a deadly heatwave tormenting the rest of Europe. I am worried, as always. Climate catastrophe isn’t just our future. It’s here right now.

If you’re into my this whole H-P Lehkonen no buy challenge thing, you might also like this comic:

It’s a comic I made a couple of years ago and it talks about sustainability, zero waste lifestyle and poverty.

One more thing. I want to thank you all for reading my blog! Looking at my statistics some people actually come here to read my comics! I know you can just get these on social media, but really… that just isn’t as effective! I don’t have all this space to write whatever I want there!